It was great to see friends and spend time with them and my family on the San Juan. The river fished well enough for us; we all caught fish. My best day was on Friday when I stopped counting fish. We fished the upper flats with very little competition with the river flowing at 500 CFS, more or less. On Saturday, we ventured to the lower flats. The lower flats area didn't have many anglers on it with the exception of the float guide trips that would frequently come by. I only hooked two fish during the morning but both were huge; I lost one before bringing it to the net - it turned and faced me and the hook just popped out, the second one (cutbow) went 19 inches with a thick body. The going pattern for us was the Chocolate Emerger in a #22.
The above photo is my son, J.J. He casted the nypmh, set the hook and reeled in the little trout all by himself. He has fished with a fly rod before and enjoys it.
We BBQ for our dinners. The first night we had rib eye steaks. The second night we ate Nilgai, Axis Deer and pheasant breasts. Both meals were superb.
Unfortunately, it had to come to an end. The gentlemen from Texas had to return home and I had to return to Albuquerque. Not before we had made plans for upcoming trips.